Edouard von Lindheim (MadreTTor)

festival for [Media]_Art, WEB_Culture & technology

'MADRETTOR exists in two different dimensions: our Reality and the Cyber dimension. MADRETTOR is a mirror-city of its root-city Rotterdam in the cyber dimension. Rotterdam is a harbor city, a city where different cultures come and go with creations and products of their culture. They come to trade and go back again or travel to other harbor cities. MADRETTOR functions as a harbor-city where individuals come and go to share their knowledge, show their skillz and inspire each other with their creations. MADRETTOR continuously exists in cyberspace but manifests itself in Reality once in a while in the form of, what we call a festival.'

The aim of MADRETTOR is to offer an inside in the world of well-known international new media artists and designers. To achieve this, lectures, workshops and discussion sessions will be organised during the festival. The more informal programme will contain performances, installations, an exhibition and music. Aimed to provide our visitors and participants with a broad overview on the newest digital features used in a variety of artistic disciplines. Important goal for the festival is to initiate new projects involving a mixture of artists and designers from different disciplines to establish a progressive environment within MADRETTOR projects.